Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hello from my Home to Yours

I am a homemaker. I enjoy my occupation. Among my daily activities, I enjoy cooking and spending time with my children. I have 4. They do keep me busy. No matter the season, our calendar is full!
But this blog; this is for me, as my inner most passion is writing.
I am going to combine my loves. Writing, cooking, and holidays. It is said, "To everything there is a Season and a time to every Purpose under Heaven". And I agree.
So, here's my challenge... I will create menus, decoration, crafts, and party ideas for you and your family to share. My hope is that by participating in my blog, more family tables will be filled with abundant laughter and love; no matter the Season.
Currently it is the Season of Motherhood. Mother's Day is May 8th, and if your husband is like mine, I know it can be all but forgotten. My husband is a good man, but very busy, and he pays no attention to dates. My children are young, so I have learned I will enjoy the day far more if  "I" build the excitment for them. Join me. Tomorrow I will start helping you prepare, and myself, for Mother's Day, so together we can have a Season Ready Home.  

1 comment:

  1. This sounds great Crystal! I hope you enjoy your blogging journey. I would like to invite you to follow my blog as well:
