Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden, is dead.

Thank you US SEALS. God bless America! Our home, sweet, home! However, please also keep in mind; that a lost soul has died, and God is sorry to lose yet another soul to hell. Granted Osama's soul was long lost, it still saddens God when he cannot turn someone away from devilish deeds. 

Moving on.........................
Today was a busy day in my house hold. Started with my daughter at 3am, coughing and stuffy nose all night. I hate that, because she just couldn't rest. So, I ended up holding her upright so she could rest, which means...I did not.

At 6am, I woke my older boys, fed them breakfast and got them off to school, and at 7am, it was my youngest son's turn for breakfast and off to school. I watched some of the news, but was interrupted by my little girl, Robin, around 8:30am, so again I made breakfast. Yes, Move Over Ramsey!  I make breakfast Monday-Friday three times. (*phew*)

After cleaning up the kitchen, I then moved on to cleaning the living room. I knocked out a few loads of laundry, and on to the hallway. Every time I placed something away, in a basket or on a shelf, my little girl, who is only 1, decided to participate by pulling everything her little hands could reach back out again. Going back and forth between the rooms, I picked items up about three times over as well.

By noon (thirty) it was lunch time. Clean up again, and then it's playtime, for a while. Normally, around 2pm, Robin gets in a nap, but she wasn't ready today. So I let her go, and I managed to get the bathroom cleaned up, well... at least the trash can empty and toilet bowl disinfected.

Once the older boys got home after school, and I handed Robin off to her brothers, so I could vacuum. And it happened! My vacuum exploded on my living room floor. OH NO! Dust was all over the carpet. I did however, finish off my floor with a hand held dirt vac. SO, NOT COOL!

After all that, Robin was finally ready for a nap! Luckily while she was napping, I was able to pull off dinner, Cheesy Taco Bake. So of course by the time dinner was over, I was ready to relax.

Yes, it had been a long day, but I still wouldn't trade it in. I really do love being home with my children. I feel like every day, is a Holiday, well… maybe…

Recipe A
Easy Scrambled Eggs X's 4
2 tbsp butter
2 eggs per person (x's 4 = 8)
1/4 cup milk (per mix)
dash salt
dash pepper

heat medium size skillet on level 4 (low-medium heat). melt butter to coat pan. in small bowl, crack two eggs. add milk, and salt and pepper. beat well. pour into skillet. use a spatula to mix the eggs while warming in the skillet. cook about 5minutes, stirring occasionally, so not to stick. once the eggs start to set (no liquid), then ready to serve. Serve with glass of milk, and toast. add grapes and oranges to plate for fruit. Repeat this method 3 more times. 
Welcome to my Monday morning routine! LOL

Have a great day and a Season Ready Home!  

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